How do you dispose of hazardous waste at home?

Once you know what kinds of dangerous trash you have at home, the next step is to learn how to get rid of them safely and correctly. Here are a few tips on how to get rid of dangerous trash in the right way.

DO: Ignore the instructions on how to throw away a product.

Before throwing away something that might be considered household hazardous trash, read the label to make sure it's not dangerous.

DON'T: It is not okay to put dangerous waste down the drain or dump it outside.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that people put their health and the environment at risk when they flush dangerous trash down the toilet or throw it out on the ground.

DO: Find out about the services and rules for picking up household hazardous waste in your area.

Before you throw anything away, it's a good idea to learn about the rules and regulations in your area about getting rid of dangerous household trash. Find household hazardous trash removal services in your area to get rid of these things safely and soundly for the environment. You can drop off or have your hazardous trash picked up, whichever you prefer.

DON'T: Household hazardous waste should not be thrown away with the regular trash.

Some things can't be thrown away in a regular trash can. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery says that it might even be illegal to throw away dangerous household trash in some places. Make sure you know how to get rid of dangerous things in your home by figuring out what needs special care.

DO: What to Do With the Cleaners You've Already Used?

Household cleaners can be thrown away by pouring running water over them in the sink. On the other hand, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that's not good for you or the environment.

Try to use up all of your cleaners before throwing them away to cut down on the amount of hazardous waste you make at home. A third option is to give any cleaning supplies that you haven't used or are only partly used to a local charity or group. If you need to get rid of a cleaning product that isn't empty, call your Form 4 Hazardous Waste collection agency to set up a pick-up or find a place near you where you can drop off hazardous waste.

DON'T: How to get rid of dangerous and explosive household items

If you don't want to start a fire, it's essential to know how to safely store and throw away flammable items in your home. Any containers that hold dangerous liquids must be labelled with the correct information, like when they were first put together, what they are, and the Hazard Class 3 symbol for dangerous flammable liquids. If you can, don't keep things that can catch fire near things that can catch fire, like paint thinner, acetone, or any other liquid that can catch fire.


Some of the services we offer are Pollution Control Board Environmental Compliance and Documentation, Oil and Grease Traps, Wet Scrubbers, Dust Collectors, and Bag Filters. We have everything you need for the environment.

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